Dickson County Schools

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Chromebook Protection PlanPayments for the Chromebook Protection Plan can now be paid using our online payment portal at linqconnect.com.

Once you are logged into the payment portal, you will see the "Device Protection Plan Initial Enrollment"  assigned to your student. This will enroll your student in the Chromebook Protection Plan for the first time. This is completely optional, but highly recommended.

If you believe your child is already enrolled in the Chromebook Protection Plan and has not used it, then disregard the assigned fee at this time as your child is still enrolled from the previous year. 

If your child is not currently enrolled because they used their previous Chromebook Protection Plan coverage, please complete the "Device Protection Plan Re-enrollment" payment option to reenroll their device for coverage. 

More information can be found at https://www.dcstn.org/DigitalandOnlineLearning.aspx.

If you have any specific questions, contact your child's school for assistance.

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