Good morning VES Family
Each day begins Staff and Students gathering in the gym.
This is when we say The Pledge of Allegiance, Have a Moment of Silence,
Recite the Vanleer Pledge and hear morning announcements from Mrs. Sue
as well as recognize those who are celebrating their Birthday.
Please stand while we say the Pledge
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of The United States of America
To the Republic for which it stands; One Nation, Under God;
Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.
Remain standing with quiet feet while we have
A Moment of Silence
and now our
Vanleer Pledge
As a Vanleer student, I will be responsible for my actions at all times.
I will strive to be trustworthy and fair in and out of school.
I will show respect in everything that I do.
I will do my best to show compassion, love, and understanding
to those around me because I care.
I will use what I’ve learned to be a good citizen throughout my life.