Dickson County Schools Closed
Due to continued extreme temperatures, the Dickson County School System will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22nd.

Oakmont Elementary and Stuart Burns Elementary snow cares will be open 6:00 am through 6:00 pm.

Dickson County Schools

Every Student Every Day

Home  >  For Staff  >  Student Data  >  Information for Skyw...  >  Adding New Staff to ...

Directions for Adding Staff in Skyward

  1. The state REQUIRES the following demographic information for all staff members:
    1. Full name (including full middle name if they have one regardless of what is on their license)
    2. Date of Birth
    3. Gender
    4. Race / Ethnicity
    5. License Number (if available - If not yet active, complete later. Enter an N for New - No License in staff type.) [A provided copy is preferred.]
    6. Primary Endorsement Code (if their code is now retired, select one as close as possible)
    7. SSN for all licensed staff (regardless if their licensure is available or not)
    8. Dcstn.org email
    9. Title (see list below for what to type)
    10. Phone (if they wish to receive calls)

  2. Other demographic data is optional but appreciated.

  3. New-to-the-district staff members must have this information collected. Transferring or returning staff members must also have this information added if anything is missing from the list above.

  4. If new staff member has not previously worked in Dickson County, ask if new staff member attended Dickson County Schools and under what name. He/she may already be in the system, and it's best to use the original entry.

  5. If necessary, go to https://tdoe.tncompass.org/Public/Search and search for license using the first and last name under which teacher was licensed.

  6. Remember that Skyward software is upgraded periodically. Changes may be necessary in the steps below.

  7. In Skyward,
    1. Staff
    2. Add
    3. Type in last, first and middle (if they have one, it must be entered in full) name,
    4. Click the "Click Here When Full Name Is Entered" button,
    5. Select the correct entry and or proceed with entering a new staff member,
    6. If you have in-county teachers transferring to your school, you should also communicate with Skyward staff at the school from which they came so they can be inactivated at the previous school.
    7. Complete staff information fields (listed above) for the staff member
    8. Save,
    9. Expand (click the pointer) beside new staff name,
    10. Edit / complete general and address fields as needed (if no phone number, then no snow day notifications) (If you add an address that is new to the table, contact [email protected] to add the address to the table)
    11. Make sure assignment is appropriate for teacher job (G1 for grade 1, SG for grades 9-12, etc.), make the start date sometime in July if beginning for the school year, if mid year, make the start date, add the funding category (state/local unless on the Federal Projects list)
    12. Add entity history for your building for the current year and save
    13. Add staff type of F (if licensed staff), N (if awaiting a license or an elementary computer teacher), or O (if a certified staff member)
    14. Expand Entity and edit as necessary
    15. Edit,
    16. Mark active current and next year,
    17. Select grade,
    18. Select building,
    19. Select room number,
    20. Check Box for Default Entity for this Staff Member (otherwise staff member will not receive school calls from principal),
    21. Save,
    22. Fill in other information such as department as needed and save.

  8. In addition, please make sure that your administrators, counselors, librarians, etc. (licensed staff who do not teach a class) are scheduled in the course for their role. Please add the licensed staff member to the meet, edit the period to a pull out period for your school (02 for elementaries, 08 for secondary), AND add your school ID to the Tennessee tab, if creating a new meet. These staff members do not send to EIS unless they are scheduled for a course.

  9. Title categories:
    1. Assistant - for all non-licensed (Title I and SPED can be removed)
      1. Pre-K Assistant (for P3 & P4 assistants)
      2. Computer Assistant (for non-licensed teaching computers)
    2. Teacher - for all licensed teachers (do not put grades, subjects, or SPED) {Leave EDL Teacher for Edgenuity staff.}
      -Pre-K Teacher (for P3 & P4 teachers)
      -TCAT Teacher (for TCAT teachers)
    3. Counselor
    4. Assistant Principal
    5. Principal
    6. Administrative Assistant
    7. DBA
    8. Bookkeeper
    9. ISS
    10. Cafeteria Manager
    11. Cafeteria
    12. Daycare Director
    13. ESL
    14. Instructional Coach
    15. Interventionist
    16. Librarian
    17. Nurse
    18. Sub Nurse
    19. School Psychologist
    20. Social Worker
    21. Speech Therapist
    22. SRO

    1. If someone does not fall into these categories, please type in their specific job.
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