Dickson County Schools

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Dickson County Schools Student Portable Device Agreement

While the device is in your possession, you agree to the following:

  1. Students and parents/guardians are responsible for the proper use and operation of this assigned device.  You must comply with all of the Dickson County Schools Board Policies. Dickson County Schools Student Acceptable Use Policy 4.406, Dickson County Schools Acceptable Use Agreement and the Dickson County Schools Chromebook User Guide.

  2. Students and parents/guardians understand that the device is the property of Dickson County Schools and is subject to inspection at any time.  

  3. Students and parents/guardians are responsible for loss, theft or damage that occurs to this device while in your possession, or as a result of misuse and you agree to take care of the financial obligation related to this event as outlined in the Dickson County Schools Chromebook User Guide. 

  4. Loss or theft of the property must be reported to the District by the next school day after the occurrence.  A police report will be filed in cooperation with parents/guardians and the child's school.

  5. This device is provided for educational purposes only.  The parents/guardians will accept full responsibility for the actions of the student using this device while not in school. 

  6. Home use should be limited to the student to which the device is assigned. Students should be diligent to maintain possession of their issued device at all times.

  7. Students and parents/guardians agree to present this device with its cords and cables for check-in at the end of the school year at your registered school to avoid replacement costs. 
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