Dickson County Schools

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Home  >  For Staff  >  Leave Requests FAQs

Staff Absences and Leave Requests

As we transition to our new online system for leave requests, you may have several questions. Below are common questions and answers.

  1. Will I still use HelpDesk to put in leave requests?
    1. No, you will enter ALL your leave requests here. My Benefits Channel

  2. Will I need to tell my administrator that I will be absent, or will the new system notify them for me?
    1. Yes, you will still need to follow your admin's preferred method of contact. In emergencies, usually a text, call or email, then securing a substitute if needed.

    2. All absences that are entered, will generate an email notification to your admin. For absences that are entered a day or more ahead of time, your admin may be satisfied with the email only and not require additional communication. However, be sure to find out if you need to enter your request somewhere else as well, such as paper forms, texts or another online process.

  3. How do I request a substitute, if needed? Do I use the new system to request a sub?
    1. No, you will not use the new system to request a substitute.
    2. If you are a staff person who requires a substitute when you are absent, you will continue to request a substitute in the current manner. Frontline is our current system for requesting subs.

  4. What information will this system provide?
    1. Once logged in, employees can view their remaining days off, their history of leave taken and all the details pertaining to leave requests.

  5. How do I receive training on the new system?
    1. For training, Local Government has provided a very detailed video here.
      Here are the sections relevant to our district.
      A. Watch beginning to 8:07 minutes
      B. Skip to 15:37 minutes and watch until the end.

    2. For admin training, go here. Again, disregard any sections pertaining to substitute requests.
      Here are the sections without sub information.
      A. Watch the first 10:25 minutes - Intro, interface and view employees (disregard the substitute portion in their examples - we use Frontline for our substitute requests)

      B. Skip to minute 18:01 thru 26:43  Attendance interface - Submitting Leave (Again, ignore any substitute instructions portion)

      C. Pick up again at 36:11 thru 45:53 Attendance Leave Requests Menu - View Leave Requests/Leave Requests Approval (Again, ignore any substitute instructions portion)

      D. Skip to 53:50 as the Staffing Requests and Staff Leave with Substitutes do not apply. Watch 53:50 thru 56:35    Reports Menus

      E. Skip to 1:00:45 thru end of video   Leave Balance Report/Leave Detail Report/Admin/My Leave

  6. What do I do if I have more questions? 
    1. Contact your administrator for more clarification on the process for your school/department.
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