Announcements: December 12
Good Morning CMS. We begin each day with a moment of silence. Please pause for a moment of silence.
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Click "Lunch" for entire month. (Daily menu is the most reliable.)
Teachers, please check dress code.
Benchmark Testing today.
Students- Mrs Estes shouted you all out yesterday for all your hard work on ELA; we’ve seen so much growth; let’s keep that trend going with math
Math Today
Teachers, please make sure each student gets a piece of scrap paper and that they put their name, their math teacher, and class period at the top. Math teachers would like to look at the scrap paper after today’s benchmark.
Pet food drive going on now through Dec. 13th. Look for flyers hanging throughout the building.
Chicken tortilla soup
Fresh fruit & veggies
Pizza, wraps, PBJ
Remember, at CMS, we’re all about…
Teamwork, Integrity, Growth, Enthusiasm, Respect…That’s the Tiger Way