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Chromebook FAQs

Chromebook Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need help with or have questions about your/your student's Chromebook? Read through the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below. If you still cannot find the information you need, please email Mrs. Felicia Warden, at [email protected], and she will get back to you as soon as she can.  

Frequently Asked QuestionsAnswers
Q: When will my student receive their Chromebook?A: Chromebooks and chargers checked out on the first day of school.
Q: My student lost their charger. What is the process for replacing it?
A: The first step your student needs to take is to check with their classroom teachers, related arts teachers, and the library to see if the charger has been turned in. Students MAY NOT just borrow someone else's charger. Students are expected to keep up with and take care of the charger they are assigned at the beginning of the school year. 

If the charger has not been turned in, you have two options for what to do next:
  1. Pay for a replacement charger by sending $35 in cash or a check to your student's school. Checks can be made out to "Burns Middle School" and can be turned into the library or the office.
  2. Order a replacement charger online using this Amazon link. Once your student has the replacement they MUST take the new charger to the library to be relabeled.
Q: My student has broken their Chromebook screen. What do we need to do?
A: If your student breaks their Chromebook screen, or their screen has been broken, they need to take it to the library and turn it in so it can be sent to repair. Your student will be issued a daily loaner to use for that school day unless you have purchased the $40 protection plan. 

  • If you have purchased the protection plan, your student will be issued a new Chromebook. You will have to pay the $40 in order to reinstate the protection plan for any future damages. 
  • If you have not purchased the protection plan, you will need to pay a $50 repair fee before your student will be issued a new Chromebook. This fee can be paid to the library or the office via cash or check or through a Linq Connect account. 
Q: My student lost their Chromebook or my student's Chromebook has been stolen. A: If your student knows where they lost their Chromebook ask them to look again to make sure they just overlooked it. If your student does not know where their Chromebook could be at all or you believe it may have been stolen, your student must report this to the school so that appropriate actions can be taken. 
Q: The label on my student's charger has come off or been removed by my student. A: The labels on our chargers are important. If a label is removed there will be a $2 replacement fee for the label as the label is important to the integrity of our technology program. Your student can pay this fee to the library or the office.
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