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Dismissal Procedures

Dismissal Procedures

Bus Dismissal 
  • Our Early Bell Buses are buses 57, 22, 64, 41, 51, 3, 66, 38, and18. Students who ride these buses will go straight to their assigned bus at dismissal.
  • Our Late Buses are buses 1, 30, 65, 50, 35, 40, 110, and 107. Students who ride these buses will go to the gym at dismissal and sit by their bus sign until their bus arrives.
For more information on zoning and school bus transportation, visit the district transportation page  at https://www.dcstn.org/Transportation.aspx

Car Rider Pickup

  • The car riders are dismissed on the 2:55 bell every afternoon.
  • Guardians will form two lines in the lane nearest the front of the school.
  • Please pull in directly behind the vehicle in front of you, to make room for as many cars as possible.
  • The first vehicles should pull all the way down to the “STOP” sign at the end of the lane.  IF THERE IS SPACE IN FRONT OF YOU, DO NOT STOP AT THE FRONT ENTRANCE DOORS – PLEASE PULL FORWARD.
  • Once the bell rings, a staff member will be directing traffic at the “STOP” sign.  PLEASE WATCH FOR THE STAFF MEMBERS THAT WILL BE OUT FRONT, AND FOLLOW THEIR DIRECTIONS FOR A SAFE, SMOOTH PROCESS.
  • A teacher will be walking between the lines of traffic to get the name(s) of the student(s) that you are picking up.
  • Students will wait inside the school until their name is called over the radio.
  • Students will exit the building, and be directed by staff to your vehicle – please stay inside your vehicle, and we will get them to you.
  • Once you have your student, please watch for the directions of the staff as to when to pull forward/leave.
  • Please remember - although you have picked up your child, there are still others in or around traffic to be mindful of.
  • For safety, please do not change lanes unless directed by staff.
  • We want to be as safe and quick as possible during dismissal, which will occur easily if everyone is on the same page and following the procedures!
  • Thank you for your cooperation!  PS – the first few days will be a little slower, so be patient as students figure out the process. It will speed up quickly!
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