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Enrollment Information for Students New to Dickson County

Step-by-Step Enrollment Instructions

If you are a new student to Dickson County Schools and didn't attend any schools in the county last year, or didn't have any siblings who did, please follow these instructions to enroll:

  •  Step 1: You will need to create a Skyward account. Skyward is our student/parent information database where you can fill out the paperwork. Just fill in the necessary information in the blanks.  CLICK HERE TO CREATE A SKYWARD ACCOUNT.

  • Step 3: Once you're logged in, click on "Family Access" located at the top right corner of the screen. After that, explore the menu on the left side of the screen.

  •  Step 4: Click on "New Student Online Enrollment" and fill in the necessary information when prompted.  
If you do not have internet access, please visit the school to complete the online enrollment process. If you have any questions, you can call the school at 615-446-0355 between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm or email our school secretary directly at "[email protected]".

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