There are lots of things to share with you and a few things we'd like to remind you to get your help with.
At the beginning of the school year - We are excited to extend to you the opportunity to walk your student into the building if he/she needs support during the first three days of school. It is important to help them build independence, so we do ask that after the first three days they find their way inside themselves.
This year, breakfast and lunch will be charged to student accounts. Our district needs the information from the free/reduced lunch forms for funding to provide those free breakfasts and lunches so we need your help!!! Please fill those out and turn them in ASAP.
Morning car rider line will begin at 7:15 each morning. If you need to drop off your student before 7:15, contact Ms. Cindy Akin to inquire about our before care program. When using the car rider line, please pull all the way to the stop sign and only use the lane closest to the building. It is a great help to have students ready to exit the car. This helps the line can move as quickly as possible. School personnel will be outside to receive your student so it is not necessary for you to exit your vehicle to help your student with their seatbelt. We enjoy being the first ones to greet the kids in the mornings.
Our school uses Class Dojo
as a communication tool. We encourage you to download the app from either the App store or Google Play store and use the code your child's teacher sends home to sign up. This is a great way to receive daily information about your child and have a way to communicate with your child's teacher in a "text" type method.
We will continue to make use of the bins in the vestibule when dropping off items for students. However, if you need to come into the office area for a pre-arranged meeting or speak with someone in the office, you will be able to do so.
Visitors to the building are limited to essential business that is prearranged. Parents and others will not be permitted to visit the school to have lunch with their child.
Afternoon dismissal is perhaps the busiest time of our school day. We want every child to get home safely and in a timely fashion. To do this, we need parents to let us know of any dismissal changes by sending in a note or by calling the school office no later than 2:00 on the day of the change.
Parents may NOT park in the main driveway, main parking lot, or lower parking lot of Charlotte Elementary School to await the start of our 2:55 p.m. dismissal. Our driveway must remain clear in the event an emergency occurs.
Anyone approaching the school prior to 2:45 p.m. MUST park in the main lot and come into the building to sign in at the school office.
All early dismissals
at 2:45 and anyone approaching after this time will be directed to return to their car and the car rider line.
All of those in the car rider line must have a car rider tag in order to pick up their child. No tag, no child is our policy. If you do not have your tag, you will be required to park, show your driver's license while the office staff checks to see that you are on the child's pick up list/contact the parent.
All parents and/or volunteers who happen to be in the building at dismissal time will be asked to wait until the 3:00 bell (until car rider dismissal has begun) before departing with their own children in order to avoid an early check out slip.
Thank you, again, for your help with our procedures and for making this school year a safe and successful one!
Mrs. Sara Cunningham Principal