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Extended Care

Angela Shock

Angela Shock
email: [email protected]

The Extended Care Program will not operate on the following holidays:
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday
  • Good Friday
  • Memorial Day
  • December 24th, 25th
  • July 4th
Also Vanleer Extended Care is closed during the following breaks:
  • Fall
  • Christmas
  • Spring
We are closed on snow days: Inclement weather sites that will be open are: Oakmont, Stuart Burns, and White Bluff Elementary. If you need to reach our Daycare the number is 740-5762.

In the event of school closing early we will not stay open until 6:00 pm when the following occurs:
  • Icy conditions are forecasted before or close to 6:00 pm.
  • Unique safety risk (possibly gas leak, etc.)
  • If tornado is forecasted and we have time for parents to safely arrive to pick up students and arrive home.
Parents will be notified by text, email or telephone call when the program plans to close early.

If Dickson County Schools do not open because of severe weather conditions or any reason that threatens the security of students and employees, the Daycare Program will not open.  Parents should monitor the local news and/or snow line 441-1994, to verify the situation. You can also find more on Extended care at our District site, http://www.dcstn.org/ExtendedCare.aspx
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