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Online School Success Criteria

Online School Success Criteria

Requirements of the Learner

  • Can stay focused in an online classroom for at least 1 hour per course per day.

  • Attends online daily live sessions with their instructor Monday through Thursday.

  • Attends Friday tutoring sessions at DCHS Lower Campus Library (high school students).

  • Attend all district and state testing sessions.

  • Stay on track with pacing and passing grades.

  • Can set aside distractions in the home (ie. toys, pets, phones, siblings) to focus on online school classes and tasks.

  • Comfortable being on camera and interacting with the teacher and classmates in an online setting. 

  • Attends school regularly. (Please note that all DCS attendance policies are in effect in online school.)

  • Asks for help when needed with social/emotional concerns.

  • Can self-advocate and troubleshoot to get instructional and technological needs met.

  • Self-motivated, manages time, monitors work completion and adheres to a daily schedule.

  • Completes and turns in assignments on time.

  • Comfortable using online tools to learn and communicate (ie. Microsoft Word, school email, Google classroom, Google Meet, Pearson).

  • If applicable, successful in online school including attendance and effort on mandated state and district testing in previous years.

  • Demonstrates academic integrity and appropriate online behavior as a part of a learning community.

  • Attends orientation session. 

Requirements of the Learner’s Environment

  • Organized and designed for learning.

  • Consistent, reliable access to high-speed internet.

  • Earbuds/headphones and a microphone are available.

  • For students in grades K-5, an adult is present in the learning location at all times.

Requirements of Learning Coaches

  • Will be present with the learner throughout the school day for grades K-5.

  • Understands that learning coaches should not typically be seen or heard on camera during synchronous/real-time instruction.

  • Accesses teachers for support at appropriate times that do not interrupt instruction.

  • Assists with assignments and structure during asynchronous learning times.

  • Feels comfortable utilizing online platforms.

  • Will assist the student with technology tasks such as logging into or accessing assignments and resources in online platforms.

  • Ensures the student is adhering to the schedule and moves from synchronous/real-time to asynchronous tasks in a timely fashion.

  • Ensures the student is present and on time each school day and remains engaged throughout the day.

  • Maintains a patient, calm and positive attitude.

  • Supports the student with social/emotional needs and supports the student in accessing assistance when needed for academic, social, or emotional concerns.

  • Available to bring students onsite for benchmark, state testing, and for middle and high school students, required Friday tutoring sessions.

  • Is available to pick up instructional materials at our school location in Dickson, TN throughout the school year.

  • Attends orientation session with their student.

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