Allison Kruse

Allison Kruse
Assistant Principal
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Building/Department Assignments:
Burns Middle School - Burns Middle School Staff
Burns Middle School - Administrators and Office Staff
Burns Middle School - School Wide Staff

Biographical Information:
Born in: Charlotte, N.C.
College attended: Lipscomb University, BS Elementary Education, Austin Peay State University MA.ED Administration and Supervision, ED.S. Curriculum and Instruction, Southwestern University, Certified CISCO networking instructor
Started working in education: 1990
Favorite thing about my job: It is an honor to work with teachers, students, and parents and being a part of their professional and personal journeys.
3 things I love: Concerts, a good laugh, and activities with friends and family.
Favorite quote: "There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein
What I want you to know: I will strive to make sure your child is safe, treated fairly, and gets the best education possible.

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